Welcome to the Pocket FD



PAUL specialises in working with ambitious entrepreneurs and businesses, providing financial expertise on a freelance or project-basis, helping you to turbo charge your business growth.

Are you looking for help with growing your business? Paul specialises in working with ambitious, high-growth companies, filling the critical role of Finance Director or CFO on a part-time basis. Whether you need help on a project basis or are looking for regular support for a few days a month, working alongside your in-house team, Paul has the background to be effective in any environment and provide the highest level of financial management expertise, developed through real-life commercial experience. Paul offers the 'best of both worlds' – many years' experience working at Board level within a range of companies, both large and small, but equally his hands-on approach means he can easily adapt to working with start-ups and smaller companies.

The Pocket FD offers flexible, affordable financial expertise whenever you need it.


PAUL’s Services

  • Building financial models & raising growth capital

  • Designing effective management reporting to help management focus on the key drivers of their business

  • Implementing effective operational process and strong financial controls

  • Financially appraising business plans, projects and opportunities

  • Preparing businesses for an effective sale/maximising exit value

  • Providing strategic financial advice at Board level

  • Hiring and developing in-house finance teams

  • Providing financial training to management and the wider business

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